If you don't have a residence near DTU or don't have any place to stay when you attend the course, we highly recommend that you find accommodation at:
- Lyngby Danhostel
RaadVaad 1
2800 Klampenborg- 225 dkr. the first night. Following nights are 200 dkr.
- Breakfast incl.
- Lunch is served free of charge at DTU Campus
- Dinner (two dishes) is 85 dkr.
- Transportation to DTU is possible only by bicycles (can be rented for 35 dkr./day.)
- Lyngby Danhostel is near:
- Klampenborg train station ("S-toget") which has a direct line to Copenhagen Central Station
- Bakken (small amusement park)
- Bellevue beach
If you wish to stay at Lyngby Danhostel please contact Lis Tokkesdal ( no later than the 25th of May and she will make the arrangement for you. You can read more about Lyngby Danhostel here.
If you wish to be accommodated elsewhere we recommend:
- Post Pub - 500 dkr. approx. / night (not incl. breakfast). Center of Lyngby city.
- Scandic Erimitage - 1100 dkr. approx. / night (not incl. breakfast). Center of Lyngby city.
However, if you choose either of these two you have to make the arrangement yourself.