Ph.D. and M.Sc. School in Computer Science - Types at Work
In this two week summer course advanced Masters students and beginning Ph.D. students get a quick introduction to types for programming language and techniques that can be used to infer them.
The course continues with a number of interesting applications of types in the area of memory management, communication and security. The course finishes with a small project where the students develop their own type system for a given task.
The first day: DTU Informatics building 322, room 033, @ 0900 AM
- Types and type inference techniques
- Types for physical dimensions
- Types for security
- Types for memory management
- Types for communication
The course will be given by:
- Fritz Henglein, DIKU
- Flemming Nielson, DTU Informatics
- Hanne Riis Nielson, DTU Informatics
- Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Research Cambridge
The course is organized by DTU Informatics (IMM) and the Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen (KU) in collaboration with the ITMAN graduate school, the FIRST graduate school and MT-LAB, a VKR Centre of Excellence.