- Reading material can be found here and also includes:
- L.Damas,R.Milner: "Principal type-schemes for functional programs", Proceedings of POPL 1982, that can be found using Google Scholar.
- Supplementary reading material includes:
- F.Pottier,D.Remy: "The essence of ML type inference", in "Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages" edited by Benjamin C. Pierce and published by MIT Press.
- Reading material includes:
- D.Volpano,G.Smith,C.Irvine: "A Sound Type System for Secure Flow Analysis", JCS 1996, that can be found using Google Scholar.
- Copies of slides can be found here.
- Reading material includes:
- F.Henglein,H.Makholm,H.Niss: "Effect Types and Region-Based Memory Management", in "Advanced Topics in Types and Programming Languages" edited by Benjamin C. Pierce and published by MIT Press.
- Copies of slides can be found here.
- Reading material includes:
- H.RiisNielson,F.Nielson: "Communication Analysis for Concurrent ML", in "ML with Concurrency" edited by F.Nielson and published by Springer. This can be found here.
- Supplementary reading material includes:
- T.Amtoft,H.RiisNielson,F.Nielson: "Behaviour analysis for validating communication patterns, Int J STTT 1998, that can be found using Google Scholar.
- Copies of slides can be found here.
- This can be found here.